When I first saw pictures of our home (before it was ours), I loved it. Looking back at old pictures, I’m not sure why I loved it so much lol. Was it THAT bad? No…but there were some things I knew I immediately wanted to change.
#1 The red front/back porch….
OK….all I can say is WHY? Why red? You may be thinking…the red really isn’t that bad. I never liked it, but I originally had that same thought. I guess it’s not that bad.
And then one day I decided…it’s time to get rid of the red. No big deal right? I’ll just strip it off and sand it down. WRONG! Worst decision ever….did we eventually get it off? Yes. With lots of help from family, tons of paint stripper, multiple (felt like hundreds) of trips to home depot to find something that would help get this red off. It’s gone now…mostly. There are still some tiny spots we couldn’t get off. But the red is official in the past and it’s officially my least favorite color.
#2 The columns and lattice….
Once again, the columns and lattice are both things that really aren’t that bad I guess…at least that’s what everyone told me. But I still wanted to change them. I just feel like they don’t look right. My vision – square the columns off, add some trim work around the bottom and top of the newly square columns, and paint them white. Vision for the lattice – REMOVE AND TRASH IT, wrap the porch it wood, and paint white.
#3 The landscaping….
The landscaping was something I always knew I would change. I think they were going for an “un-tamed” and “wild” type of landscape. That’s not really my style – I knew I wanted to add boxwoods and roses. OH and remove that giant bush….which we have done, and it was a nightmare. But that’s a story for another day.
#4 The foundation color….
Honestly, the dark gray foundation color wasn’t something I knew immediately I wanted to change. I really didn’t mind it that much. I mean it really could have been much worse! It wasn’t until we started making serious changes to the front of the house, and removed the overgrown landscaping that I knew I most likely wanted to change the color of the foundation.
#5 The garage doors and driveway….
Honestly, garage doors can make such a huge difference to a home. Our garage is actually detached, but when you look at our house you can still see the garage. The doors weren’t in good shape – they were extremely dented and scratched up. I wanted the house and garage to look like they belong together.
I think the driveway kind of speaks for itself…grass and weeds are growing all over the driveway. It just needs repacked with a couple loads of gravel to look brand new.
Well…there she is. That’s exactly how the house looked when we moved in. I loved it – and I love it even more now!